Today I would like to write about a topic very dear to me. You will read in today s blog about the need to change our meat consumption and get introduced to two alternatives. This topic was my bachelor thesis topic and the following is the introduction and the conclusion of said thesis. Acceptance and potential of in-vitro meat and insects as food VON ARON PAUL-ANDRÉ KONKOL , W. BOKELMANN 1 Abstract: This paper topics and discusses the potential of In-vitro meat and insects as nutrition of the human. By the means of a survey of 80 people the possible consumer opinion will be monitored. People were asked on the uni campus, at the waiting room of a doctors practice and on a shopping street. They had the ages between 18 and 70 and 43 women and 37 men were asked. The survey of different age groups lead to the hypothesis that in general younger people will be more open to these meat alternatives. The data provided by the questions asked will give information about the quantity of ...