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In-vitro meat and Entomophagy

Today I would like to write about a topic very dear to me. You will read in today s blog about the need to change our meat consumption and get introduced to two alternatives. This topic was my bachelor thesis topic and the following is the introduction and the conclusion of said thesis.

Acceptance and potential of in-vitro meat and insects as food



This paper topics and discusses the potential of In-vitro meat and insects as nutrition of the human. By the means of a survey of 80 people the possible consumer opinion will be monitored. People were asked on the uni campus, at the waiting room of a doctors practice and on a shopping street. They had the ages between 18 and 70 and 43 women and 37 men were asked. The survey of different age groups lead to the hypothesis that in general younger people will be more open to these meat alternatives. The data provided by the questions asked will give information about the quantity of acceptance and the following discussion tries to give an idea about the potential as well as the need for these alternatives.

A discussion about the motivation for consumer decision clarifies the incitement of the people asked. The data show that both alternatives are accepted and younger people tend to be more open.

Key words: insects as food; entomophagy; in-vitro meat; artificial meat

1. Introduction

The following paper figures out if In- vitro meat and insects of food have a potential as a meat alternative. By a survey of 80 people in different ages and professions it concludes motivations and possible consumer decisions. The production of conventional meat has bad consequences for the environment because the green house gas emission rises by the gases produced by the animals, mainly cows. In a more indirect manner areas for production of feed reduce the forest areas in the world and consequently lowers carbon fixation. Meat can also have consequences for health and can be a medium for diseases. The ethical arguments against killing animals is also a factor in a modern society. Especially the production of animals held in small stables without much sunlight and mass slaughter are criticized by more and more people. Insects live in nature also with high density and therefore would make it easier to give them a breeding process more adjusted to there natural needs.

For the production of one kilogramm beef meat there is 10 kg plant protein necessary. In comparison one kilogramm insect meat can be produced with only 1.7 kg plant protein. In addition to that 80% of the insect can be eaten where as cattle has only 40% eatable meat.

There are image and acceptance problems with both alternatives. Entomophagy can be seen as a regression and is viewed as primitive. In Europe and the United States in which eating insects is not part of the culture some people are disgusted by the idea of eating insects despite the adventages. The consume of in vitro meat can also be seen as discussing but this time because of its´ technological background. Rapidly growing of cells and stem cells can be seen as dangerous because we do not have long time studies and is seen as unnatural.

How are consumers influenced in their reasoning. Is creating new jobs more important than loosing traditional ones and to which degree does the protection of the environment influence the consumer opinion.

The survey figures out which age groups are more accepting of these food categories and how they are motivated. The future potential is influenced by the acceptance of young people and their gender.


Almost 40%, of the 80 people asked, would try in-vitro meat and insects as food. This shows that there is a definite Potential for these food categories in the future. Especially because younger people tend to be more open. Acceptance is also good but as with every new food choice people need to get to know both alternatives and be exposed to them. To achieve this, legalization is crucial. Insects as food are now in the “new food” category, which means it is now legal in European countries. In-vitro meat on the other hand still has a long way because of problems in technological aspects and laws about stem cell research.

The relevance of this topic is the connection between the need for protein production and the preservation of natural resources. The combat against world hunger and Food ethics is also significant.

If someone would like the data or additional information, let me know, I can provide it. 
